Friday, April 17, 2015

The need for Travel insurance

A study released by the Bank of Montreal (BMO) on March 24, 2015 examines why and how Canadians use travel insurance.

One of the findings of the study is that 36% of Canadians do end up requiring medical attention while they are on vacation, and that many have had to file a claim when they returned home in order to recover out-of-pocket expenses. Among those with travel insurance, 76% described the claims process as "easy" and none of those surveyed had their claims rejected. BMO says that 74% of those who had filed claims received the full balance of what was owed and 26% were partially reimbursed.

If you leave Ontario, do you ensure that you have Out of Province Medical Insurance? It can be part of your benefit package or on your "gold" credit card or purchased separately through your travel agent or a life insurance agent.  

Have you verified what it covers? For example some group policies will only cover you for travel in Canada. Some credit card policies will only cover you if you are under 65 and purchased the travel package using that card.

The best way to ensure that your claim is paid for is to contact the insurance company at the number on your wallet card as soon as possible. Not only will you know right away what is covered, they will often guide you through getting the medical assistance that you need.