One of the areas people often ask me questions about are
dental benefits. I’m not an expert. However, the Ontario Dental Association has a
great web site with explanations written for the non-dentist. Check it out here.
This web site covers a number of areas regarding your dental
plan including the differences between your plan and the fees that your dentist
may charge, claim forms, billing, what to do if your dental claim was denied,
the ODA suggested fee guide and more.
If you are having any major work done (i.e. more than
routine cleanings, x-rays or small cavities filled), you may want to have your
dentist submit a pre-treatment determination to your insurance company. This way, you will know in advance what the
insurance company will cover. If you are
having a bridge, crown or inlay, there may be laboratory fees in addition to
the dental fees.
The ODA site also explains many of the common dental procedures. Click here to read about them.
They even have an IQ test that you can take.