Saturday, October 24, 2009

Critical Illness

No one plans on becoming ill, but when something serious befalls us, we can help ourselves and our families by being financially prepared.

We all know someone whose life has been affected by a heart attack, stroke or cancer. The good news is that advances in medical science means there's a better chance of surviving a critical illness than ever before. However, a critical illness often brings overwhelming medical and financial burdens.

That's why critical illness insurance was envisioned by a physician and can be so important to you and your family. It's coverage I strongly believe in and now Great-West Life is offering a two month premium holiday if you apply before Dec. 31, 2009. That's the equivalent of two months of coverage in the first year at no charge, after the policy is in force and the initial payment is made.

Many of us put off making buying decisions, waiting until tomorrow or until the economy turns around. If you delay purchasing adult or child critical illness insurance, age or health may affect the ability to qualify for coverage later.

When you insure against a critical illness today you help protect yourself and your family from the financial and emotional impact of a critical illness and receive a two month premium holiday from Great-West!

Give me a call to discuss how critical illness insurance can make a difference and how you can take advantage of this special premium holiday offer.

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