Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Do you need travel insurance?

We all know that medical expenses in the USA are expensive, but they are in other parts of the world as well.  Here is an example of costs in Mexico due to appendicitis. 

14-year-old Male: Abdominal Pain Led to Appendicitis in Mexico

Tomas was in Mexico during spring break. After a few days, he started having severe abdominal pain and saw the hotel doctor. He was diagnosed with appendicitis and sent to the hospital by ambulance. Tomas was in the hospital for two days before he was released with various prescriptions and caught a new flight home.
Hotel doctor fees ......................................$950.50
Ambulance fees ........................................$1,200.00
Hospital fees .............................................$22,530.47
Doctors' fees .............................................$7,165.00
Prescriptions .............................................$47.11
Provincial medical ....................................- $330.16
Amount paid by TuGo (the insurance company)  ......$31,562.92
If you have a group plan, Emergency Medical coverage may be included in your plan.

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